Download fist of reason here to slay
Download fist of reason here to slay

download fist of reason here to slay

all the dialogue, voice acting & other miscellaneous text from the original campaign, and more.original SC1 units and structures with original stats, including custom models.

download fist of reason here to slay download fist of reason here to slay

Much fun was had making the campaign (among other things), I hope you'll have at least as much fun playing. Also thanks to my brother for all the playtesting I made him do, and thanks to all you people for the feedback/support and/or just general interest in the project. Thanks to a bunch of people including but not necessarily limited to Telenil, christdaugherty, Superfield, Jimm3110, Ultraling, Maverck, GnaReffotsirk for their feedback and/or other (direct or indirect) contributions to this little project. Nostalgic, faithful to the original, surprisingly fresh at the same time and most of all fun to play are the things I was going for when creating it. Requires SC1BWMod to play, version 4.7 recommendedĪlso check out the project thread at TeamLiquidįorever and a day in the making, here's my take on the legendary UED campaign from Starcraft: Brood War.Starcraft Brood War: Episode V - The Iron Fist the complete Terran campaign Episode list Starcraft: Mass Recall has moved! for the latest versions, click here to visit the new project page

Download fist of reason here to slay