all the dialogue, voice acting & other miscellaneous text from the original campaign, and more.original SC1 units and structures with original stats, including custom models.

Much fun was had making the campaign (among other things), I hope you'll have at least as much fun playing. Also thanks to my brother for all the playtesting I made him do, and thanks to all you people for the feedback/support and/or just general interest in the project. Thanks to a bunch of people including but not necessarily limited to Telenil, christdaugherty, Superfield, Jimm3110, Ultraling, Maverck, GnaReffotsirk for their feedback and/or other (direct or indirect) contributions to this little project. Nostalgic, faithful to the original, surprisingly fresh at the same time and most of all fun to play are the things I was going for when creating it. Requires SC1BWMod to play, version 4.7 recommendedĪlso check out the project thread at TeamLiquidįorever and a day in the making, here's my take on the legendary UED campaign from Starcraft: Brood War.Starcraft Brood War: Episode V - The Iron Fist the complete Terran campaign Episode list Starcraft: Mass Recall has moved! for the latest versions, click here to visit the new project page