With ranged weapons it will likely not be an issue but when you are running in with a lightsaber, it may take a bit of training before you hurt the enemies more than yourself (heh). When I started out, the combat took a bit of getting used to, as you move around with WASD, aim the camera with the mouse, and also right click to attack. It definitely encourages you to go for the subscription option but it is enoyable enough that the restrictions are worth putting up with, however annoying. While it is not KOTOR 3, it is really close and definitely fills in a gap.

In particular, SWTOR is really fun, and I would even go as far as saying it is addicting. With all the major limitations out of the way, I will say that the game is just as good as my friend has been trying to tell me since launch. This became especially evident on Coruscant where walking from the taxis to the senate tower in particular was a slog.

This would not be so bad if it was not for the biggest issue I have with the Free To Play version: getting around the game takes forever! With a quick travel that has a 2 hour cooldown and not being able to sprint until level 15, it takes a long time to get from mission areas and back again. Medical probes allow you to respawn in the same area as opposed to respawning at a medical center. That’s unfortunate, but not a deal breaker and something that Star Trek Online also does. The number of characters per account is restricted to two, so you will need to delete one or pony up for a subscription if you want to play as additional classes to get their stories. At least it’s another one-time charge instead of paying every month for a subscription. Unfortunately, you cannot purchase it with in-game currency. As an alternative, you can purchase XP boosters to make up the difference. After level 10, the rate at which you gain experience points is reduced compared to paying subscribers. Some of the larger restrictions include XP-rates, number of characters per account, medical probes, reduced reward choices, and not being able to sprint until level 15 of all things (!). If you are vigilant, it is possible not to pay anything. As a free subscriber you get access to the entire game, but there are several other limitations that might just annoy you into purchasing a subscription.